The Jaspersoft Business Intelligence Suite is a comprehensive Business Intelligence (BI) suite that provides robust reporting, report server, data analysis, and data integration for organizations that want to make faster, better business decisions

Business applications are transforming their transactional data into highly interactive dashboards and embedded analytics to help people make faster more informed decisions on their own
BI Features that can be integrated into apps
Interactive Reports
Interact with report charts and tables including on-the-fly sorting, filtering, and formatting of column values and headers.
Embedded Dashboards and Mashboards
Provide a collection of interactive reports, charts, and external web content onto a single screen with our dashboards
Self-Service Reports and Data Exploration
Create and explore summary and detail data from relational, NoSQL, or Big Data sources using a highly interactive browser-based solution
Data Virtualization
Integrate multiple data sources into a single metadata view to enable analysis and reporting across disparate sources without requiring ETL or a Data Warehouse
Data Integration
Build a central data repository by extracting data from various relational and non-relational sources and load into a data warehouse or data mart with our data integration tools
Mobile Ready Reports & Dashboards
Create and view reports, dashboards and analysis on iPhone or Android mobile devices
Multi-Tenant BI
Using a single Jaspersoft environment, quickly isolate users, roles, reports, and related permissions to securely separate one tenant from another for SaaS-based applications
JavaScript API with Visualize.js
Access powerful BI services using Visualize.js, a JavaScript framework to quickly and easily control the look and feel along with the integration of BI widgets within your application
Big Data Connectivity
Connect directly to Hadoop, MongoDB, Cassandra and more with native reporting and analytics for real-time

The Jaspersoft Business Intelligence Suite brings sophisticated reporting, interactive analysis, and shared services such as security, repository, and scheduling to everyone from casual business users to business analysts and executives.
The Jaspersoft Business Intelligence Suite brings sophisticated reporting, interactive analysis, and shared services such as security, repository, and scheduling to everyone from casual business users to business analysts and executives.
- Seamless embed-ability using public Java APIs and Web services
- Extensibility through open source
- External authentication
- Role-based authorization
- Security
- Single Sign-On
- Configurable and replaceable user interfaces
- Multi-tenancy (for SaaS deployments)
Reporting and Integrated In-Memory Analysis
- Interactive, parameterized reports
- Rich metadata layer for managed adhoc data access
- Web based AJAX ad hoc report design and dashboard builder
- Integrated In-Memory Analysis for data exploration from within ad hoc reports
- Secure scalable repository
- Scheduling & report distribution
- Rich charting and visualization
Operational Reporting
- Graphical report design tool
- Pixel-perfect output to printer, PDF, PDF Flash, HTML, XLS, XLSX, CSV, RTF, DOCX, ODT, ODS, TXT, and XML file formats
- Sub-reports for complex reports and dashboards
- Flash powered charts for interactivity and visual appeal
- Mash-up dashboards (with any URL addressable application)
- Custom calculations and variables
- Unlimited report size (virtualization)
Relational OLAP
- High-performance scalable ROLAP server – uses standard RDBMS
- Data exploration: Drill-down, roll-up, “slice-and-dice,” pivot, filter
- Data visualization: multidimensional tables and charts
- Links to detailed reports and other online resources
- Standard XML/A data access protocol and MDX query language